
CAD Phone Assembly

  • Purpose: Engineering Course Project
  • Timespan: 2 Weeks
  • Software: Autodesk Inventor, 3DS Max, Adobe Illustrator, Final Cut Pro X
  • Hardware: Home-Built Workstation
  • Skills required: CAD Modeling, Animation Rendering, Video Editing

Project Info

My goal for this project was to model and animate an iPhone being assembled. I wanted to make sure that the frame and internal components were all visually pleasing and moderately accurate. To do this, I made the frame of the phone using reference images and the dimensions that are listed on Apples website. For the internal components, I was dissatisfied with any images that I might have been able to use at a bitmap. Additionally, I did some post-production in Final Cut Pro X to add in the animation of the logo on the phone screen, the phone screen taking over, and to add sound effects. I felt like this really heightened the overall quality and professional feel of the animation.

Dylan Hong